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Bible reading tips to get the most out of your "daily Bread"

weathered hands breaking a loaf of bread
breaking bread
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path ~ Psalm 119:105

Starting and maintaining the habit of taking in the Word of God is obviously beneficial, and based on the Lord's Prayer alone, one could presume it is mandatory. But because the battle is real, it's also particularly challenging to establish. here are a few bible reading tips to get you started.

when to eat

One of the most effective ways to make reading your Bible (and assimilating it) a habit is also simple: Set aside a specific time for it. Choose a time of day when YOU are most alert and focused. Or need it the most. This is very dependent on the individual's makeup and circumstances, but consistency is invaluable when it comes to establishing habits.

Yes, there are many Biblical references to mornings (before your day starts) or evenings (before your day ends), and that's why many people pick those timeslots but don't be deterred from being creative. YOUR best time might be right before you leave to pick up the kids from school, or after your jog in the mid-morning. How about during your lunch hour at work?

Bonus tip: Seasons change. Just because you picked the perfect timeslot does not mean it will stay that way. Regular re-evaluation is essential for this to be a lifetime habit.

where to eat

You don't need a Bible Study room in your house - although that sounds nice. It's that cosy nook by the bookshelf. Or somewhere in your garden? Somewhere you can go very intentionally to mentally retreat and immerse yourself in God’s Word. Rarely do we have the luxury of a single space serving only one purpose, but I would encourage you to do what you need to do to make it as comfortable and inviting as possible. That means adding a candle, a framed verse, or a pillow to that chair. If it's on your bed, a bed tray. At your desk, noise-cancelling headphones.

Make sure everything you need is handy, preferably already there. Your Bible, a Journal (if that's something that you do), and some stationary. A commentary or concordance.

Bonus tip: Try to make this space, wherever it is, as private as possible. This might mean telling co-workers that if those headphones are on you would appreciate not being disturbed. Same with children. Susanna Wesley, the mother of John and Charles Wesley, had a large family but was determined to spend time with God every day. She had no private place to do this, so she would kneel wherever she was and cover her head with her apron, signalling to her children that she was not to be disturbed.

what to eat

There are excellent resources for bringing some structure to your Bible reading journey. Especially when starting out, where to begin, how much to read at a time, etc can be legitimate roadblocks.

Daily reading plans can help address some of these. But pick one that's right for you scheduling-wise. Pick something gentle. Something that allows you time to chew your food, not just swallow it. Think about quality, not quantity. Devotionals can help, especially while cultivating consistency. But bear in mind it's food that's been chewed for you already. This should also make you pick very carefully who has chewed it for you. Make sure it's someone you trust. You can also crank it up a bit by using the devotional passage for that day as your springboard to read the chapter (vs just the verse they reference). This can bring some better context to what the author of that day's devotional meant, as well.

Bonus tip: If you don't know where to start let your church be your guide, in the sense that, whatever is being taught or preached on, you elaborate on in your daily readings. If the Pastor is reading Philippians, read and study Philippians in your quiet time. If the Growth Group is discussing prayer this term, make that your topic of study in your personal devotions. So, simply eating more of what God is already feeding you can be a great coordinator for your daily readings.

Whatever you do eat something

Marking "Bible read" on your daily habit tracker requires commitment, but First Timothy 4:8 puts it like this: "For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable in all things, holding promise for the present life and also for the life to come." By applying these simple Bible reading tips, you are already set up for success to allow God to give you your daily (spiritual) bread.


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